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View Full Version : Skype Users At Risk For “LOL” Malware Worm

10-11-2012, 12:05 AM
Windows PC users of Skype, a popular Internet communications platform, are being infected with a worm malware by hackers.

What happens is this: users get a message that displays the phrase, “LOL,Is this your new profile pic?” and when they click on it, they unexpectedly download a Trojan horse malware file.

What this malware file does is open up a backdoor for hackers to infect the computers and convert them to a “botnet army”. Even worse,users are unable to access their computers.

Sophos,an Internet security specialist firm, said the worm is similar to the“Dorkbot” worm. This worm has spread across many social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. When a computer is infected with the worm, it automatically sends out the “LOL” message to that person’s contact list. Recipients of that person believe it’s their contact buddy sending them the message and go to check out the link, causing the malware to download and take over their computer.

Skype released a statement that said the company users this matter very seriously because they care about their users’ security. The company said it’s working diligently on it to lessen its impact.

Skype said people should get the newest version of the program and apply the most up to date security programs and features on their computers.

The company also advises them not to follow links, even from folks in their contact list, that look odd or is not expected.

Botnets are designed to do DDoS attacks (distributed denial of service),which force websites offline, run spyware or send spam emails out.

Publicity regarding these kinds of threats – including this latest one –has made many folks wary about clicking on links posted through social media. It may be the reason hackers are changing their tactics.

Graham Cluley, a senior technology consultant with Sophos, said the danger lies in that most Skype users are not as suspicious about links being sent to them than possibly Facebook users.