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06-18-2010, 01:50 PM
For those smokers with the admirable goal of stopping that behavior, there are all too many con artists out there who will take advantage of those who wish there was an easy solution to this addiction. Below is some information on how to avoid the "too good to be true" programs.

Some programs offer hypnosis with the guarantee that you'll quit smoking without gaining weight. The advertised success rates are invariably higher than actual success, and in fact can only produce testimonials such as "Every time I went I quit!" Be careful of overstated guarantees and success rates.
Another program offered a "stop smoking patch" which implied that it was just like the prescription patch offered by physicians. The patch actually turned out to be a stick-on label to put on your wrist to remind you not to smoke. It had no medicinal value at all and was merely a behavior modification tool or technique, misrepresented as a more powerful cure.
Pills and similar programs also are ineffective but such scams play on the smoker's desire for a quick cure. Any product promising a "miracle cure," which is "fast" or leaves no craving for smoking, is obviously too good to be true.
Source (http://myfloridalegal.com/pages.nsf/main/e404f23a53a1419685256cc9005f4ea5!OpenDocument)